Popular Sculpture Joins Napa River Inn Collection

One of the most popular sculptures to emerge from downtown Napa ARTwalk program, "Fish On," has been cast in its final location - Napa River Inn and the Historic Napa Mill complex. Already the location of several notable art works, the complex celebrates the fusion of artists and tradesmen while overlooking the Napa River. "Fish On" is a perfect example of the beautiful ordinary.
This alluring work of metal caught the attention of locals and visitors alike with its realistic spirit when it was originally placed at the corner of Third and Main in 2010. It hooked the "People's Choice" award and because of its popularity, it was showcased on ARTwalk for an additional two years. ARTwalk, a collaborative project, strives to enhance downtown Napa through public art. The 2015-2017 ARTwalk is the fourth exhibition since the program began in 2009.
Once just statically mounted, "Fish On" now sits on top of a recirculating fountain at the Historic Napa Mill complex. The work is attached with exquisitely balanced bearings that help the sculpture catch the wind, allowing the fish to dance with the breeze.
Created by the eminently interesting Terrence Martin, who quit his day job in cardio surgery in 2004 to focus on large-scale public sculpture, "Fish On" is part of Martin's large body of work that can be seen outdoors in and around the Bay Area. His most recent public works include the 100th game commemorative sculpture for the Rose Bowl, multiple pieces for the Sacramento Kings and a 26-foot-tall metal guitar sculpture for the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
"Creating metal art and sculpture that leaves a lasting impression upon people is my ultimate goal as an artist," Martin says. "The journey of bringing everyday found items to life in metal on a large scale is what inspires me."
Martin produces metal art and sculpture for both private and corporate collections across the country. The Napa River Inn is proud to add this beautiful work to the grounds of the historic Napa Mill property. Its exuberance reflects the natural environment that has so long been a part of this property. It takes its place with pride adjacent to other celebrated art, including Alan Shepp's beautiful tile fountain "Ars Longa Vita Brevis, "the iconic metal entrance sign by Gordon Huether, and three rotating sculptures that are part of the City of Napa's ARTwalk.